Document Processing AI

The Artificial Inteligence document recognition and auto cataloging system, present our best product in automation for documents processing and cataloging. It uses sofisticated algorithms to build knowledge and facts about a collection of documents, that are used in the processing of document batches. The Document Processing AI software is able to identify and place documents in groups using file, document and page layout and keyword analysis. Our system has interactive training capabilities that allow it to learn infromatoin about a group/set of documents and to recognize new documents automatically after the initial machine learning.

What can you do with it

Automatic document sorting, filing, archiving, delivery to final recipient and more.

  • Group Documents
  • Change Documents and Content
  • Merge and Split
  • Add Content - images/text to document
  • Reorder pages or re-organize
  • Delivery Documents to Recipients
  • Make Content Available Anywhere

Who can benefit from it

Any company that uses that needs to capture data from various types of documents, that are produced at random without classification or that come in random order and from
different sources can invest in automatic document procssing and management.